Free Monitoring service

Why You Really Need Free Monitoring service?

The purpose of the Free Monitoring service

The Free Monitoring service is a priceless resource. It provides a wealth of information about the status of your servers, which you use for web, email, DNS, and other purposes.

It allows you to monitor and understand your servers’ status in real-time. If you monitor your network regularly, you will be able to detect various issues, such as component failure or prolonged traffic. Furthermore, if a problem arises, a service like this will notify you automatically via email, text, or another mechanism like webhooks.

The Monitoring service detects overloaded routers, server failures, and network connectivity issues.

Monitoring service plans that are worth your attention!

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Anycast DNS

How does Anycast DNS provide great speed?

Anycast DNS is absolutely something you should benefit from. Why? Because it can increase the speed of your online service, whether it’s a website, app, or more. So if you want to learn more about what it does, you’ve come to the right article. But first, let’s see what actually is. 

What is the purpose of Anycast DNS?

Anycast DNS is a form of communication or routing technology that allows you to send and receive data more quickly. One IP address can be entered into several DNS servers around the world using this method. Any of them has the ability to react to the request. The goal is for the server that is nearest to the user in terms of distance to respond. This significantly speeds up the response time (DNS resolution).

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Domain flipping

Domain flipping – Is it worth it?

This is an introductory guide to domain flipping. There are numerous ways to supplement your income through online business. Domain flipping is one of them, and it simply entails buying and selling the domain names. We’ll walk you through the first steps of buying a domain name and selling it for a profit.

What is the definition of domain flipping? 

Domain flipping, also known as buying and selling domain names, is a business model in which you look for and purchase domains at a low cost. Meanwhile, you can resale it for a higher price to buyers who require it.

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DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) explained.

DHCP, four letters that network administrators love. Would you like to know why?

What is DHCP? 

The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a helpful solution for management, very used on TCP/IP networks. It provides automatically IP addresses and all the necessary network configurations (DNS server, default gateway, etc.) to connected devices to communicate. 

The magic word here is “automatically”. Usually, such tasks are executed manually by network administrators. If they manage a small network, it can be ok. But talking about big networks to be in charge of that can really be overwhelming. 

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol works on a client-server model. Clients must have DHCP to communicate with a DHCP server properly. 

Comparing DNS and DHCP

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DKIM record

What is the DKIM record?

Fighting spam and phishing emails is a never-ending battle, in which one of the key players is the DKIM record. It will guarantee the sender of a main, based on the link with the domain name, and will serve as proof that the email was not forged on the way. 

What is the DKIM record?

The DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail) record is a DNS record (TXT DNS record) that a DNS administrator of a domain uses to set proof that the emails sent from the domain are legit through cryptographic authentication. On the other hand, the receiver will also use the DKIM record by performing a DNS query on the domain to verify the sender using the information in the header. 

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Secondary DNS (Backup DNS)

Secondary DNS, why is it important for me

If you are researching what secondary DNS is, pretty sure you already know the relevance of DNS for the Internet, websites, sites’ owners, and users.

Knowing that proper performance and constant accessibility rely on DNS infrastructure, it is easier to understand the value of redundancy. No doubt, having DNS records saved in different servers offers attractive advantages for your business.

What is it?

Secondary DNS is a helpful mechanism to distribute DNS records (specific DNS zone) through different servers. Let’s put it this way. A primary DNS server, in the past also known as “master server”, informs a bunch of secondary DNS servers, also known as “slave servers”, about a change in the DNS zone. So the secondary servers have the instruction to request those changes to the primary DNS server to keep updated.

Making it simple, Secondary DNS is a solution for pulling DNS records from the main server to many others through the DNS queries and keep a copy of these DNS records. 

Check the following page if you are searching for a qualitative Secondary DNS service!

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Promo TLD

TOP 5 Promo TLDs from ClouDNS

Do you want to start a new business with one of the hottest promo TLDs from

Here we have five amazing options for you! Many options to find the best domain name, with a very particular TLD that will clearly indicate to your audience the purpose of your site. Go ahead and browse these promotional domains and get the right domain name for you before somebody else takes it!

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Domain parking

How does Domain parking work?

This is a useful and profitable activity that got born as a result of the Internet’s success. Domain parking can be a security measure for online businesses. Since having a catchy domain name got crucial for being visible among millions of other businesses on the Internet, someone saw a chance on reserving them.  

What is Domain parking?

Parking a domain means you have a registered domain name, and you put it on hold without relating it yet with services such as email or a proper website. Domain parking is also a service offered by domain registrars for a domain name owner to have a non-interactive, static HTML page. On it, basic contact information and perhaps, a notice about the future purpose of that domain name could be shown. 

What is a Parked DNS zone?

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DNS A record

DNS A record – everything you need to know

If you don’t want to waste time and read the 50+ pages of DNS A record’s RFC 1035, you came to the right place. Here we will show you everything you need to know about this DNS record in brief. 

DNS explained in seconds

From the users’ perspective, you want an easy way to get to the websites on the internet. You simply type the domain name, and you are not worried at all about how to get to the web hosting that has the information for the domain you required. 

Why do you need a DNS A record?

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